Saturday 9 January 2010

The first of many =)

Heyy people

So this is my first blog. I imagine its going to be quite shoddy as I can't really spell very well and I'm just not very good at writing. But I shall give it ago and see how it goes.

Why did I start a blog? I hear you ask your self, well if you didn't you did now. I'm not exactly sure is the right answer, One of my best mates "Shrimpdude" aka Dan! Has been writing a blog for over a year now, and I must say I'm very impressed with him and how he has managed to keep it going :) I take my hat off to you. Well I would but I'm not wearing one. So anyway back to the point of this blog. I was walking with him to lunch one day and he told me I'm the only one of his mates not to create a blog. I was actually blown away by this, I'm not sure why, I think its just the fact that he has managed to get all these people involved is a truly remarkable feat. So I thought to my self, why not, lots of people write them, I may be a tad stupid at points or come out with some crazy ass saying but I can get a point across if I want to.

So here we are with my first blog..

Not much of a point to it, but hopefully it will be the first of many :)

For now

Giant out!


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