Monday 18 January 2010


And so the time is nearly upon us, the time to see if we have planned well learnt our words and remembered our dances! Watson's is just around the corner! Before the first show however I have a few hectic days ahead of me! Tomorrow is the technical rehearsal. Can I be bothered? No! I don't finish college till like 5.45 then I have to go home, have some food and then get the bus to Derby, some how find my way to the Guild Hall and then sort my costumes out... Fun times, bearing in mind I have no idea where the Guild Hall actually is. Luckily for me, I'm catching the bus with Shaun, and he also has no idea :) So were going to wander around town looking for this place. Then Wednesday, I have my C3 Maths exam.. oh the joys, then Thursday is a repeat of Tuesday. And then Friday is the first show! :) Woooo. Should be great fun I hope, I can't wait.

Also tomorrow it is me and Fleur's 1 month anniversary :) If I can keep it going until Friday it will be the longest relationship I have ever been in. And I reckon I will be able to keep it going.

In other news:
-A John put a shout out saying he hasn't been mentioned, I don't know which one though lol so you will both get a mention. Wooo Towler and Humps :)
-I feel like I have lost one of my closest friends
-"Don't stop believing" - Tune

Giant out


Sunday 17 January 2010

Great Speeches

Don't you just love them. Now I'm no Historian or what ever, so I'm talking about films here. When you see the leader rallying his men, or just when they are about to go into battle, when the end is near. There just amazing, they really get your heart moving and you wish you were there! I was watching Terminator Salvation last night, and there wasn't any amazing great speeches in this film, however John Connor (The leading man) He does a good job of rallying the men and women to his cause and not attack, he gives them all hope in the face of defeat, he is one of those men that you just wish you could be like! Bit nerdy, but King Theoden in Lord of the Rings 3 Just as he is about to lead thousands of men into battle, he rides up and down the front rank giving the men hope, courage and something worth fighting for. You just want to be there. The music and the way these people talk to us is just so inspiring, well I certainly love it.

Over the Xmas holidays I watched Narnia, and when they are about to go into battle at the end the leader in this case, Peter, says some absolute bull! Looks like he is about to crap him self and then raises his sword! Now if I was there I would certainly NOT ride with him. I would need a leader who actually looks like they care for what they are fighting for. Some-one who will inspire me to do the best I can do. I'm not sure if I have found that person yet. I suppose my teachers a little bit, but that's only cause they tell me I'm going to fail my exams! So I go away and prove them wrong! Like my Lamda teacher! The lesson before my exam she told me I was not ready, and then an Hour before she told me she didn't have much hope for me... Woa what a nice woman... Well I showed her and went in there and acted my socks off and came out with a Merit at grade 8 which I was well chuffed about! :) An extra 60 ucas points as well!

Giant out


Saturday 16 January 2010

Just a short one

Been a while since I last blogged, not good really is it? Need to sort things out, so there may be a flury of blogs over this weekend! Then again maybe not as I have a rather busy for days ahead of me :)
So yeah the other day I was at Dan's house, Shaun came along was a good laugh! Had a few pints listened to a few tunes just the ladish banter you would expect! Oh and Shaun sent me a load of songs to my phone cause I had like nothing... Fail... So thanks mate :) Only shit thing of the night was that I had to be gone by 10, stupid Saturday school making us loose our Friday night! Just not fair at all.
As the title suggests this is a short blog, rather short actually as I'm about to go out. I will write a proper one later.

In other news,
- Dan and Hannah are going to meet for the first time in a year today! ;) Have fun guys.
- Amy Got an offer at a drama school!
- 5 days to the start of our show!

Giant out


Wednesday 13 January 2010


Sad films... Don't you just love to hate them? I mean I think I have cried at 3 films in my life, well I say cry, its more of a tear in my eye. I know you are going to ask what these films are, well they are: Braveheart, P.S I Love you, The lion king, and of last Saturday, The Line. Call me a pussy or whatever but I'm sure you all have a film or two that get you going. You just don't want to tell people cause you think they will rip you for it. Lets see how this goes down tomorrow. So yeah back to these sad films.
After every time I watch one of them I always say to myself that I will never watch it again! But I always get drawn back to them, just not good really. Oh well what can we do about them? Except for love them, and lets face it, we do love them. The other weekend the Lads went out to the cinema for a bit of a night out, I had no idea what I was going to see, I got told it was a mix between 2010 and some other violent film, so I was all up for some kick ass film. Turns out to be one of the saddest films ever, got us all going. I had Dan sitting next to me and all you could hear was *sniff sniff* Absolute puss, the rest of us had a tear in our eye, except for Doddsy who seems to have no emotions at all!

Moral of the blog.... Sad films always get the better of us :)

Giant out


Tuesday 12 January 2010


Lads... A term we call our selves. People may think its stupid or pointless but I think its cool, and so do the people involved. There are 7 of us at the moment, which will hopefully be pushed up to 8 very soon. But yeah the lads. We have a great time together, were practically out every weekend come what may, whether it be a party, a drinking sesh or just town in general. We will always be doing something. Which I think is one of the best things about us. Some people have called some of our fellow crew "nerds" I think this is bull really. A nerd is defined as,

"A stereotypical label used to describe someone who
is socially inadequate"

Come on people, think about it, these people go out more times than you do! You sit at home on your ass doing revision all Friday and Saturday night, we are out always doing something, and most of us are still passing our exams. So shut up! Little rant there :) Hope you liked that.

Back onto The Lads. Its just a great group to be in really. Whenever you walk into a room some one shouts your name out, makes you smile and feel wanted, it is a nice feeling. We have some great banter, mostly dicking on our fellows but they know its just light hearted banter, and when we are all old enough we can go buy you all a pint! Have a guess who you think I'm talking about here.

Basically I just want to say thanks guys for being there, for understanding and just being LADS.

Giant Lad out!


Monday 11 January 2010

Live it

I think this is going well so far, 3rd day in and yes 3rd blog :) I'am a blog machine!!

I was talking to a mate today, who wish's to remain anonymous. But it got me thinking, we never talk! Not just me and the person, but as in people in general. If we like some-one we don't tell them we sit in the shadows and wait for our moment to shine in front of them. Many of us are too friendly, well I know I'am some times, we just need to grow some and tell people to F off, or something not quiet so harsh.
Would it be better if we told these people? Do you think we would be better if we told the truth people? I do, I'm fed up of making up some bull about how that hair cut looks good on you, those clothes really suit you. You get the drift, But don't get me wrong, I'm not going to become a complete arse now, I will tell people, but in a constructive friendly way.

To sum this all up, I think my mate needs to grow some balls, I think if he tells her how he feels then things could work out nice for him :)

On a side note, don't ask who this is please cause I wont tell you :)

In other news :
-Humps new found song, "I remember by deadmau5 and kaskade" is actually rather good :)
-Amy Wicks needs to chill

Giant out


Sunday 10 January 2010


Men women and children.

I have come across a certain problem in my life! And it is not good at all... But before I get to the point, I will give you some background info.

A few days ago, precisely 11 days to the day one of my best mates, Dan, started going out with this chick called Hannah, who I have known for over a decade. Although we have only talked for about 5 years. So yeah they started going out, which is all nice and dandy as I was really happy for him :)

But then the word started...

Now any of you who I talk to will know that this word drives me crazy! Its not even spelt right.. The word in question is BABEY! What is with that E people!?? I mean its just a no in my books. I don't know about what you think? But I hope you all agree with me.

I got told by Dan that it works for them, so that's all that matters. However if you guys decide to be normal again, me being cool decided to get up and search the world BABY. The normal saying.

"Term of endearment, usually used by people having sexual intercourse with one another."
So there we go, just shows to prove that baby can also be expressed as a sexual word, and not just used in a friendly way.

In other news :

-The lads went to Notts yesterday, watched The Road, and I think we all had a tear in our eyes! Saddest film ever
-Watsons in a few hours... really cant be bothered on a Sunday
-Going to play COD :)

Giant out!


Saturday 9 January 2010

The first of many =)

Heyy people

So this is my first blog. I imagine its going to be quite shoddy as I can't really spell very well and I'm just not very good at writing. But I shall give it ago and see how it goes.

Why did I start a blog? I hear you ask your self, well if you didn't you did now. I'm not exactly sure is the right answer, One of my best mates "Shrimpdude" aka Dan! Has been writing a blog for over a year now, and I must say I'm very impressed with him and how he has managed to keep it going :) I take my hat off to you. Well I would but I'm not wearing one. So anyway back to the point of this blog. I was walking with him to lunch one day and he told me I'm the only one of his mates not to create a blog. I was actually blown away by this, I'm not sure why, I think its just the fact that he has managed to get all these people involved is a truly remarkable feat. So I thought to my self, why not, lots of people write them, I may be a tad stupid at points or come out with some crazy ass saying but I can get a point across if I want to.

So here we are with my first blog..

Not much of a point to it, but hopefully it will be the first of many :)

For now

Giant out!
